While many thought Bollywood actress Vidya Balan will never come out of the shell and will continue with her conventional heroine tag forever; Vidya proved it wrong by doing a dirtiest, raunchiest and boldest film of her career THE DIRTY PICTURE. And now everyone's keen to know is Vidya too ready to flaunt her curves in a Bikini like most of her contemporaries?
Though Vidya had once denied donning a Bikini, now it seems the ever experimental actor is giving a thought to it and if required may not shy away from wearing it.
CHECK OUT: Vidya Balan's THE DIRTY PICTURE 'races' ahead!
"I have done what I have done in TH DIRTY PICTURE because I am playing a certain character. Suppose tomorrow if I am playing a supermodel or something on those lines then perhaps I'll do it. If the character demands and its justified enough I'll consider. Like if I am playing a prostitute I can't say that I'll not be showing skin....," says Vidya confidently.
Well after her bold and brave appearance in THE DIRTY PICTURE it would be a treat watching the newly turned seductress, Vidya Balan in a hot Bikini if she dons it! Source